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Temperatures could hit 33C (91.4F) at the weekend in the south of England, amid more showery outbreaks across the rest of the UK. Temperatures will begin to climb again as another heatwave hits the South of England over the weekend.



Parts of the country saw as much as three inches of rain in what Sky’s weather producer Jo Robinson described as a “blip” in this year’s British summer.

She said: “After a brief interlude of cooler and more unsettled conditions, high pressure is set to build again through early August.


The heat is also rising in Spain below shows the weather forecast in Madrid and Barcelona.








The national meteorology service Aemet has issued a heat warning beginning on Wednesday, with highs above 36ºC in much of the country, going up to 40ºC in the southern portion of the peninsula of Spain.

Experts note that hot weather is not the same as a heat wave. For the latter to be declared, a series of conditions have to be met that vary with each country. In Spain, these conditions are “extreme temperatures that fall within the 5% hottest range on record for July and August, that affect at least 10% of weather stations in the country, and that last at least three days,” according to Aemet meteorologist Rubén del Campo.

The regions worst hit by the heat will be Extremadura, Castilla La-Mancha, Andalusia, Madrid, the Levante area, the Ebro Valley and the Balearic Islands, Del Campo told the EFE news agency. Only the Canary Islands and parts of northern Spain are expected to be spared.


There are possible risks that can occur when there is a heatwave and it is important to stay safe, below are some tips from the NHS to help you cope with the hot weather.

Tips for coping in hot weather:

  • Shut windows and pull down the shades when it is hotter outside. You can open the windows for ventilation when it is cooler.
  • Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Keep rooms cool by using shades or reflective material outside the windows. If this isn’t possible, use light-coloured curtains and keep them closed (metallic blinds and dark curtains can make the room hotter).
  • Have cool baths or showers, and splash yourself with cool water.
  • Drink cold drinks regularly, such as water and diluted fruit juice. Avoid excess alcohol, caffeine (tea, coffee and cola) or drinks high in sugar.
  • Listen to alerts on the radio, TV and social media about keeping cool.
  • Plan ahead to make sure you have enough supplies, such as food, water and any medications you need.
  • Identify the coolest room in the house so you know where to go to keep cool.
  • Wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat and sunglasses if you go outdoors.
  • Check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves.

If you have concerns about an uncomfortably hot house that is affecting your health or someone else’s, get medical advice.


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