What our Listeners say about Spectrum FM Chris T, Listener , Just returned from Calpe back to UK until sept. Brought a place in Calpe fantastic. Got friends around for tapas, Any chance you can mention kids, Burlington and Ronnie. We are listening to you online great show! Can't wait to listen back in... Marian D, Listener , Like your station but I have a big problem with why you won\'t play Sir Cliff Richard seems like everyone else but this is my. Second email about this Do you realise he has many fans here he is still selling out concerts still having hits and n... Norwegian in Norway, , The commercial radio stations in Norway are extremely boring and predictable only playing soft music with the same artists again and again. Sometimes I wish I could die. On a vacation to Spain I accidantally came across this radio station and c... Tell us what you think about Spectrum FM MallorcaName*ImageTestimonial*Rating